Kerry - HCM, Comp, Security, Reporting, and More
Workday® and Works Councils
A Works Council by any other name (aka Betriebsrat/ Comitato Aziendale/ Comité de Empresa) would smell as sweet . Wait a minute. That is...
Workday® Assistant – Chatbot is Here!
Chatbots are all the rage, and Workday® Assistant is no exception, blending ease-of use with killer functionality. Most companies will...
Kerry - HCM, Comp, Security, Reporting & More
Workday® Testing 2020R1- Releases and Service Notes
As a SaaS system with bi-annual releases, Workday® deserves careful attention to testing releases. Each release is awaited with bated...
Indy - Workday® Financials
Workday® Financial 2020R1 – Enhancements $potlight
Operational Excellence - two words that summarize Workday's® focus in 2020R1 for Workday® Financial Enhancements. Workday® has automated...
"The Case Of A Missing New Hire" - How Workday’s® Time Zone Change Impacts You
Have you ever had a case of a missing new hire? One where you were sure you hired the candidate but on searching, you are getting zero...
Gerry - Integrations/Reporting
What’s New in Workday® -The Report !
The What’s New in Workday® report is a valuable tool in helping you prepare for upcoming Workday Updates. It’s often the first place custom
- Workday Support, Staff Augmentation
Solving Hard Problems. The case for automating time blocks.
Truth…almost anything can be solved in Workday®, it is just a matter of how you look at it. What you want to avoid is somebody saying,...