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What’s New in Workday® -The Report !

Gerry - Integrations/Reporting

The What’s New in Workday® report is a valuable tool in helping you prepare for upcoming Workday Updates and "+" releases. It’s often the first place customers look when determining release schedules and impact of new Workday features.

Recently a couple of interesting questions came up:

  • Why does the report show me What’s New items for functional areas we have disabled? This adds a lot of noise to the report. Is there an easy way to only show relevant items?

  • Sometimes items are updated and we don’t notice. Is there a way to only see items that have been added or updated since the last time I ran it?

The answer is, absolutely!

The What’s New in Workday® report is a standard report delivered by Workday, and it’s a Report Writer report and NOT an XpressO report. This means that you can copy the report to create and customize your own version of it.

What’s New items for active functional areas ONLY:

Once you’ve copied the report to your own version, take a quick look at the Prompts tab. You’ll see that the first prompt is one that is not shown when you run the report:

Notice that it is currently set to include all domains, even if disabled, and set to not allow you to change the value at run-time. Simply uncheck the “Do Not Prompt at Runtime” option. Now when you run the report, you’ll be able to exclude any What’s New Items that belong to disabled functional areas.

What’s New ONLY since the last time I ran the report:

Looking for changes is accomplished by changing the filter to filter by the item’s creation and modified dates instead of production and preview dates:

Now that you have your own copy of the What’s New in Workday® report, you could also add/remove columns, change filtering, or make other customizations that will make this tool even more useful to your organization.

Best Practice BONUS:

The report could be scheduled to run weekly or at a frequency that helps your teams mitigate change. For example, schedule the report to run every Sunday night/Monday morning so that past week’s changes are picked up and delivered to the teams W-Drive for them to review first thing in the morning.


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