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Workday® Benefits End-of-Year Reminders

Kelley - HCM, Benefits and More

2019 is quickly coming to a close. By now, you have survived Open Enrollment and you’re breathing a sigh of relief. But not so fast! While most end-of-year activities for benefits are typically addressed during preparations for Open Enrollment there are a few items to check/double-check.


  • Send final elections for the current plan year. Work with your provider to send a final file as of the last day of the current plan year. This is typically an ad hoc launch rather than a scheduled event. The final file notifies the provider of any changes to employee coverage due to change in provider, as well as life events, terminations and other changes for the current plan year only.

  • Integrations are typically scheduled on a plan-year basis. Before the new plan year starts, check your integration schedules for your existing providers and update if needed based on the new plan year dates.

Passive Events

  • Passive events are jobs that run in the background to automate benefit events. Examples include dependents aging out, automatic benefit group eligibility check, 401(k) auto-enrollment and ACA eligibility checks.

  • Run the “Scheduled Future Processes” report and filter by “Passive Event Rules Job” to view existing passive events. Extend the end date of the scheduled process to keep it running through your new plan year.

Scheduled Reports/Alerts

  • If you have scheduled benefit reports or alerts, check their expiration date to keep them running through your new plan year.

  • Use the “Scheduled Future Processes” report to check for any scheduled reports, alerts and notifications related to benefits. Update the expiration dates as needed.

Enrollment Instructions

  • You likely have updated the enrollment instructions for your open enrollment, but what about your “everyday” events? Now is a good time to check the enrollment instructions configured for life events and update them with new plan details, provider links, etc. that may be applicable for the new plan year.

  • Access the “Maintain Enrollment Instructions” task to review and update existing enrollment instructions.

Close/Finalize Open Enrollment

  • Don’t forget that you may need to close and finalize open enrollment multiple times through the end of the year and possibly beyond.

  • Open Enrollment events outside of your “official” open enrollment period due to hires and life event changes in the current plan year.

  • Run the Open Enrollment Status report regularly through the end of the year and a couple of weeks into the new plan year to check for any open enrollment events that need to be finalized.

Helpful Community Link: Open Enrollment Hot Topics (links to the OE checklist, Integrations checklist and other helpful info)

Benefits year end rides on top of open enrollment, new integration files and lots of testing. Reach out of you would like more information or some support in getting through this busy time of year.



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